Monthly Archives: November 2011

PANDAS and girlfriends


It stands for Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatrical Disorders. It is used to describe some children with OCD and tic disorders. The symptoms commonly worsen after strep infection (Strep Throat) and scarlet fever, and it is associated with Steptococcal infections. It might be similar to Rheumatic Fever. In Rheumatic Fever, the illness is triggered by strep throat infections, so then it produces antibodies to fight the infection. Unfortunately, the antibodies mistakenly attack heart valves, joints, and/or certain parts of the brain.

PANDAS is believed to attack the Basal Ganglia. The Basal Ganglia is theorized to be responsible for movement and behavior.



OCD and Tic disorders

Pediatric onset of symptoms

Episodic course of symptom severity

-OCD and Tics are very sudden, then improve slowly

-Gets worse after getting strep throat

-The symptoms can last for months.



ADHD like symptoms

Seperation Anxiety

Mood Changes

Sleep disturbances

Nighttime wetting/daytime urining frequency

Fine/gross motor changes

Joint Pains





-Same for children with OCD and Tic disorders

–Combination SSRI medication helps.

I wish I had a girlfriend. I had one, but we broke up a few months ago. She said I was too distant, too cold. She said that I didn’t talk about my feelings. That I didn’t open up to her. I tried to, but there’s nothing for me to say.


I felt bad after we broke up but I got over it. Yet still, I miss having a companion. Also, if I get a new girlfriend, she can help me pay the bills.


My dream girl or girl of my dreams will be nice, smart, assertive, calm, and pretty—can’t forget that.


Well, I hoped you (the readers) enjoyed my little wish-girl.









A dream. Ha. My dreams are so ordinary. There is no “magic”, no super powers, just regular, everyday life. I dream of going to school and doing school work. I dream of working at my jobs, of shopping. Pretty ordinary if you ask me.

I have dreams [aspirations] of becoming a doctor. Unfortunately, I have not gone to school to get a degree.   Once I raise up enough money, I will go to school. I wished I had saved up sooner. My older brother, let’s call him John, still teases me for not going to college right after high school like I said I would. Stupid lawyer brother. Well, he is smart, since is a lawyer. I just like calling him stupid. He’s okay, when he’s not teasing me. My parents are a bit disappointed that I didn’t go to college as well.

 Here’s some information on Malaria. I’m planning on updating this blog sporadically AKA when I feel like it.


Malaria is caused by mosquitos infected by the parasitic Plasmodium.

It is uncommon in temperate climates, but common in African countries south of the Sahara Desert, India Subcontinent, Solomon island, Papua New Guinea, and Haiti.

The symptoms of Malaria are:

  • Chills.
  • Flu-like symptoms
  • High Fever
  • Headache
  • Nausea
  • Profuse Sweating as body temperature falls
  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting

If these symptoms are left untreated, it can lead to death.

The risk factors of having this disease are living in the places listed above, being a child or infant, pregnant with a child [Of course you are with child if you are pregnant], or if you are a traveler and you travel to a place listed above.

It usually happens to people who were bitten by an infected mosquito. Although, in pregnant women, it can affect the unborn child. Also, if one were to get a blood transfusion with a person infected by malaria, then he too will get the disease.

It starts with an uninfected mosquito becoming infected. Then, when a female mosquito finds a human host, while she is feeding on said person, the parasites are transferred into the bloodstream. Those parasites go to liver and multiply. Then they go back into the bloodstream, destroying as many red blood cells as they can. That cause severe anemia.

Other complication that occur are:

Breathing problems. It happens when fluid get and grow in a person’s lungs. Also known as pulmonary edema.

Organ failure. This should be pretty obvious. It affects the kidneys and livers, and it can also cause spleen rupture. It is life threatening. Contact your doctor if that happens. Seriously, do it.